It was cloudy outside as I stepped out to the backyard to water the plants in our garden.
As I crouched down to water Mom’s Swiss chard with the backyard hose, I noticed something.

Oh no! Those roly-poly bugs are at it again! I thought.
Ironically, the minute that thought crossed my mind, roly-poly bug began to crawl its what out of the dirt and began marching toward a poor Swiss chard plant.
Oh no, you don’t! I thought as I hammered the bug with the hose water.
The bug drowned, but more roly-polies were already marching and munching away.
The Bird

Before I could continue my little battle against the roly-polies demolishing my mom’s poor Swiss chard, a bird chirp got my attention.
I looked up to see a little bird perched up on a telephone pole wire, its happy twittering song a contrast to the smoky, somber gray clouds above.
As I looked up at the singing bird, then down at the Swiss chard-eating roly-poly bugs, a weird yet relevant lesson came to my mind.
Singing Soldiers
Despite the cloudy skies, the bird kept on singing.
Despite the cloudy skies, the roly-poly bugs kept demolishing the Swiss chard.
And for us as Christians, we ought to glean this key lesson from the bugs and the bird I saw that cloudy morning.
What lesson is that?
Despite the dark and ominous clouds of end time events that are surrounding us, we need to be like the roly-poly bugs and the bird I saw in my backyard that cloudy day.
Like the roly-poly bugs, we need to demolish the “Swiss chard” of Satan’s lies and deceptions!
Like bird, we need to sing songs of hope and encouragement!
That reminds me of a verse in Colossians 3:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
(Colossians 3:16)
But, what is the reason why we should demolish Satan’s kingdom of lies like how the roly-polies demolished the Swiss chard?
What is the reason why we should sing praises to the Lord like how the bird sang when it was cloudy?
The Blessing of a Lifetime

I believe the words of Jesus in Luke 21 give us one big reason why:
Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
(Luke 21:28)
Friends, as we see the dark and ominous clouds of end time events circulating around us, let’s remember to be like those backyard garden roly-polies that I saw, and be more determined to demolish Satan’s kingdom than ever before.
Let’s remember to be like the backyard bird I saw, and sing praises to the Lord even in the midst of cloudy skies.
Because our redemption is drawing near!
>>>Wanna know HOW to prepare for Jesus’ soon coming? Click HERE!
Now, that’s ONE BIG blessing I’m looking forward to the most!
And even now in this dark, cloudy season we’re in, God has given this to us as a blessing of a lifetime to TRULY hasten His second coming!
Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?
(2 Peter 3:11-12)
In fact, all this reminds me of a song I’d like to conclude this blog post with:
Lyrics for “Most Exciting Time of All”
When the joy of heaven’s majesty had finally settled in
I set out to find my heroes from the Word.
To ask them just what life was like, in those exciting days.
Facing lions and the giants of the world.
They healed the sick, raised the dead, and saw the dreams of kings
They watched the waters part and turn to wine
They felt the earth tremble from the awesome voice of God
Living in the most exciting time of all
They gave it all to Him
They were all in
Always faithful to answer the call
They never compromised
When life was on the line
Living in the most exciting time of all
I wanted to meet Daniel, so I went to look for him
His neighbor said that he would be back soon
He’d gone to find a hero from the final days on earth
When the sun went dark and blood replaced the moon
When we finally found each other, he was grinning ear to ear
I began to see the writing on the wall
He wanted to know more about what life was like for me
Living through the most exciting time of all
He said, you gave it all
You were all in
Always faithful to answer the call
You never compromised
When life was on the line
Living through the most exciting time of all
There was David and Jonathan,
Peter, James, and John
Everyone I met, it was the same
They wanted me to tell about the final days on earth
Living through the most exciting time of all
You gave it all to Him
You were all in
Always faithful to answer the call
You never compromised
When life was on the line
Living through the most exciting time of all
We give our all to Him
We are all in
We’ll be faithful to answer the call
We’ll never compromise
When life is on the line
Living through the most exciting time of all
Amen! Maranatha!