In recent weeks, we’ve been looking into the various aspects of a newly upcoming tourist attraction called “The Giant.”
And, we’ve also been sifting The Giant through the lens of the Bible, and seeing how its purposes as a tourist attraction stand in contradiction and opposition to Bible truth.
Now, for Part 3, let’s dive into one of the MOST GIANT spiritual dangers with the 2021 Giant Statue!
Let’s hop into it!
They’re Calling It A WHAT?!

As I was doing some research on The Giant, I went on its official website, and you won’t BELIEVE what I discovered when I was on their website.

Did you see that?
They’re calling The Giant a LIGHTHOUSE!

What GIANT problem is there with this?
Who Is REALLY The TRUE Lighthouse?

In John 8:12, we read:
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
(John 8:12)
As one Christian song puts it, “Jesus is the Lighthouse.”
But, for this Giant 2021 statue, the world is pushing THAT as being the lighthouse instead of Jesus!
Two Lighthouses

Before I continue on with this blog post, I’d like for us to take a look at what that word “lighthouse” even means.
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary gives this definition for the word “lighthouse.”

In a spiritual sense, we as Christians know that Jesus is really the One Who guides us away from the dangers of sin and this world.
However, this 2021 Giant statue is being associated as the “lighthouse” that is supposed to guide one away from danger (and if you were to look at the context of that, it’s more like financial, temporal dangers).
But, dear reader, I wanna ask you a question.
Which one is your lighthouse?
Is your lighthouse Jesus Christ? Or, is your lighthouse the things that the world says is the lighthouse–such as The Giant?
Which light are you allowing your heart to be guided by through the seas of life?
Dear reader, if you desire to allow Jesus to be your one, true Lighthouse instead of the false lighthouses of this world, I wanna encourage you to just pray:

I’d like to conclude this blog post with the Christian song that I briefly mentioned in this blog post called “Jesus Is The Lighthouse,” and I hope and pray that, as you listen to this song, you’ll be touched and reminded that only Jesus is to be the TRUE Lighthouse of our Christian lives!
Amen! Maranatha!
I came here doing a little research myself,,It is coming to where I live and I felt grieved. Does it also sound interesting and enticing?To be honest yes..but then everything satan offers always does at first..that is how things work in the kingdom of darkness..satan couldn’t trap us with sin if there was nothing appealing to our flesh. he entices us and then ultimately traps us. Thank you for all 3 parts of this article. I am so glad you are putting it out there, I found it insightful ,God bless you,
Thank you Tammy for the comment! Amen! I totally agree with all that you said. The enemy is truly deceitful—deceiving and, as you said, trapping so many poor souls into his snares….even through this giant sculpture. It’s so sad ?. Our only hope is to pray for these people ??.
Anyway, thank you so much again for the comment. Praise the Lord that you were blessed by this blog post series! God bless you too! ??