I was inspired to write this poem after hearing the testimony of my church’s Bible worker. Just listening to his testimony caused me to marvel at how faithful God has been in not only his life, but also in my life. As you read this poem prayer, I pray you’ll look back at your life and truly realize how faithful God has been in your life; I pray that this poem prayer will inspire you to also be just as faithful to God as He has been faithful to you. Hope you will be blessed!
“He Is Faithful”
Oh my precious Father above,
The Creator of stars and sun;
Thank You for Your faithfulness,
I thank Thee for Thy love.
Despite my faithless attitude,
And selfish choices in times past—
You were ever by my side, dear God,
Guiding me with Thy righteous right hand.
There were so many moments, dear Father,
When I simply broke Your heart.
I simply didn’t care about Thy will,
And thought my own plans were more smart.
Yet I marvel at Your patience, God,
In leading me no matter what.
Truly Thou art ever faithful—
And in You I ever place my trust.