Today I’d like to share with you one of my most favorite life verses that has helped me and encouraged me throughout my journey as a missionary blogger.
Now, whether or not God has called you to share Bible truth through blogging, I believe that as Christ’s followers we’re all called to serve Him and share the message of the Gospel and the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14 with the world.
And, it’s my hope and prayer that you’ll be encouraged as I share my life verse and my personal thoughts about it. I also hope and pray it’ll encourage you in your own season of service.
My Life Verse

So, here’s one of my favorite life verses as a blogger:
“She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial.”
(Mark 14:8)
This is Jesus speaking–well, more like rebuking–to the disciples when they criticized Mary for “wasting” her oil of spikenard on Jesus.
But there were some who were indignant among themselves, and said, “Why was this fragrant oil wasted? For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they criticized her sharply.
(Mark 14:4-5)
But what I just love about Mark 14:8 is the first part:
She has done what she could.
(Mark 14:8)
How does this apply to us as we’re learning to serve Jesus and spread His Bible truth to others?
Doing One

(Photo by Photos by Lanty on Unsplash)
For me, as I was personally studying out this verse during my morning devotional time, two statements from 19th century Christian writer, Ellen White, came to my mind:
Whatever your work may be, dear brethren and sisters, do it as for the Master, and do your best. Do not overlook present golden opportunities and let your life prove a failure while you sit idly dreaming of ease and success in a work for which God has never fitted you. Do the work that is nearest you. Do it, even though it may be amid perils and hardships in the missionary field; but do not, I beg of you, complain of hardships and self-sacrifices.
(The Colporteur Evangelist pg. 57)
Let every one seek to do his best. Let those who have enlisted under the banner of Prince Emmanuel grow daily in grace and efficiency.
(Christian education pg. 131)
Again, how does this apply to us as Christians who desire to step deeper into God’s call for each of us to share His message of Biblical truth and hope to the world?
Regardless of the calling God has placed on your heart and in your life, Jesus desires you to not try to rush ahead and do this and that as quickly as possilbe.
Instead, just as He commended to Mary, we’re to do what we can. We’re to faithfully do each task God has given us to perform day by day, step by step, one by one.
A Prayer
Dear reader, is it your desire to seriously learn to do what you can, and contently serve God with one step of loving obedience at a time?
Do you desire to stop rushing ahead and trying to do everything as quickly as possible?
Do you desire to learn to take your time and take each duty God gives to do one day at a time?
If so, I wanna encourage you to simply pray the following prayer below:

Amen! Maranatha!
Praise God!… just what I needed. Thank you. Such a blessing ♡