Today I’d like to share with you a key principle that I’ve learned and, have personally experienced, when it comes to finding and making godly friends.
And that principle is based off of Amos 3:3, which says:
Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
(Amos 3:3)
I really like how the NLT version of this verse puts it; it just makes everything sound so clear!
The NLT version of Amos 3:3 says:
Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?
(Amos 3:3 NLT)
This is such an important principle to apply and to keep in mind when it comes to building godly friendships.
We can’t find and have godly friends unless we are moving in the godly direction of God’s Word and Spirit.
I really like how one of my favorite authors, Ellen White, puts this key truth this way:
Like will attract like. Those who are drinking from the same fountain of blessing will draw nearer together. Truth dwelling in the hearts of believers will lead to blessed and happy assimilation. Thus will be answered the prayer of Christ that His disciples might be one even as He is one with the Father. For this oneness every truly converted heart will be striving.
(Testimony Treasures Vol. 2)
So, as we’re learning to walk in the direction of Biblical truth and godliness, we’ll begin to be naturally drawn toward befriending others who are walking in that same direction.
I’ll share a personal example of what I mean.
Social Change

So, around late 2017 to mid 2018, I had started to take the Lord more seriously in my life.
And whenever I’d hang out with my old friends from my BC (before Christ) days, I would feel honestly out of place as I’d listen to their conversations and observe their activities.
That’s mainly because the direction they were going would be completely contrary to the direction my heart and mind was beginning to prefer going.
A good example of what I mean by this would be one time when my old friends were talking about their favorite Hollywood celebrities, and I remember feeling extremely uncomfortable throughout the whole conversation.
So, anyway, as time passed, the Lord really started to convict me to stop hanging out with my old friends because their collective influence was damaging the godly direction I desired to walk in.
But as I continued to slowly move forward in that godly direction, the Lord led me to friends who loved Him and His Word just as much as I did!
And we’re still good friends to this day!
So, my whole point of sharing this story is that, again, as we seek to make the Lord our close Friend, we will then be drawn closely to those who are walking in that same direction!
When we walk after the Living God Whom every godly Christian strives and seeks to walk after, we’ll truly find ourselves coming in step with other like minded believers who love the Lord just as much as we do!
So, dear reader, it’s my hope and prayer that we will all choose–starting today–to walk in the direction of God’s Word and His Holy Spirit’s leading, so that we may unite under the banner of godly, Biblical friendship that the Lord wants us to have!
Amen! Maranatha!