In our previous blog post, we looked at the top 5 essentials for having a successful morning devotional time.
Now that you have all the important tools in place, one question remains:
What in the world should you read and study?
Well, in this blog post, I’d like to share with you one easy way you can study the Bible and get the most out of it.
Introducing The 5 Box Study Method
I had been wanting to try some new ways to dig into my devotional Bible reading in the morning, so during my prayer time I honestly prayed to the Lord that He’d give me a unique idea on how to begin reading and studying my Bible a bit differently.
And that was when the Lord gave me an interesting idea to record what I learned from my morning devotions with what I’ll call the “5 Box Study Method.”
Here’s how it works (and below I’ll have an example of what it looks like).
First, you draw a medium-sized rectangle in the middle of your devotional journal’s page; then you draw two criss-cross lines, thus dividing it into four boxes.

Then in the middle rectangle, you write whatever Bible verse, Bible word, or Bible passage you’re studying.
Next, in each box from top left all the way to bottom right, write down the following:
- Related Verses
- Bible Commentary
- Personal Thoughts
- Personal Application

If, however, you’re doing a Bible word study, then it can look like this:
- Related Verses
- Ancient Meaning
- Modern Meaning
- Personal Thoughts/Application

Are You Ready To Truly Dive Into God’s Word?
Dear reader, I sincerely hope and pray that you’ve found value in this blog post and that it has helped give you a basic idea of how you can begin deeply studying God’s Word for yourself and get to know Him more closely as your Heavenly Father and Friend.
And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
(Luke 4:4)
Amen! Maranatha!
Thank you for sharing this! I’m definitely gonna try it
Praise the Lord, JoyBaker! Hope and pray you’ll be blessed by it