What can we learn from Caiaphas, the high priest who judged Jesus when He was put on trial? Find out in this blog post!
7 MORE Good Lessons from 7 MORE Bad Bible Characters (Pt. 2: Judas)
Is there anything we as Christians can learn from Jesus' betrayer, Judas Iscariot? Find out in this powerfully deep blog post!
7 MORE Good Lessons From 7 MORE Bad Bible Characters (Pt. 1: Herod)
What's the one key major lesson we can learn from Herod? Find out in this blog post!
Throwing Footballs
Have you ever wondered why so many young people are leaving the church? Well, find out how my neighbor's kids "played out" the real reason why many young people leave!
Book Review | “Deepen My Heart” By Steven Mosley
Check out my first ever book review blog post on Learning To Live!
Dear Christian, The Chicken Isn’t Outside!
What can my cat's reaction to the smell of chicken teach us about seriously pursuing a personal relationship with God? Find out in this blog post!
My Life Verse As A Servant of God
Need some Biblical hope and encouragement as you step into the service God is calling you to? Check out this blog post for my ONE favorite Bible promise as a servant of Jesus!