So, continuing our little two-part series on learning to thrive in the changing seasons of service, we’re gonna delve into part 2 today, and explore the second and final lesson through the experience of Ruth!
Ruth & Changing Seasons

(Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay)
If you know the story of Ruth, you may know that she went through A LOT of changing seasons in her life.
But, I’d like to highlight three things that Ruth did throughout these changing seasons of her life, then I’m going to peel out a core nugget from these three things that I’ll mention from her story, and we’ll see how this “core nugget” applies to our own changing seasons of service.
So, I’m just gonna quickly go over each of these three things.
- Ruth clung to Naomi and chose to follow her instead of going back to her old country, Moab (Ruth 1:14-17).
- Ruth worked so hard in the grain fields that even Boaz’s servant was amazed (Ruth 2:7).
- Ruth humbly obeys Naomi’s instructions (Ruth 3:5).
The Second Lesson To Thrive in Changing Seasons
What we can glean from sailing through Ruth’s story is the one following lesson:
How does faithfulness apply to those of us who are facing a major shift in where God is calling us to serve Him?
I like how Jesus framed the application in Luke 16:10, which says:
He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.
(Luke 16:10)
Whether you’re in a season of service like Leah, learning to contently work for God in dark obscurity; or, you’re in a season of service like Ruth, where you’re out faithfully laboring in the outside fields, it’s really all the same.
Regardless of how big or small a ministry God has led you to do for this season, God is calling you to be faithful and to stay faithful!
A Prayer
Dear reader, are you struggling to stay faithful in the season of ministry God has led you into to serve Him?
Friend, that faithfulness you long to have is just one prayer away! If you desire to obtain that faithfulness Ruth had, to be and stay faithful to Jesus, and to stay faithful in the season of service He is calling you to step into, I wanna encourage you to just pray:

If you desire some spiritual and practical preparation to go deeper into learning how to adapt to the shifting seasons of service in your life, I wanna encourage you to check out a brand new resource to help you do just that. You can access it HERE.
Amen! Maranatha!
Yes, seasons of service changes, but God doesn’t change. So, we should depend on Him in all season. Thank you dearest! Your blog is very helpful to me. God bless you more ♡