One day I was feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, stress, and sadness in my heart. There were online classes I had to catch up on, blog posts I had to write, songs I needed to practice for church–my heart just felt SO OVERWHELMED with all the things I needed to do! Yet, I didn’t FEEL like doing any of those things–but what made me sad was that I had no other choice but to do them! But I didn’t even WANT to do them!
Maybe I’ll just practice that hymn for song service this Sabbath, I thought as I picked up Mom’s phone. I mean, I don’t really know it that well…
After tapping on the Seventh-Day Adventist Hymnal app, I looked up hymn number 253 and began to sing. As I sang the words of the hymn, there was a verse of that just touched my sad, anxious, stressed heart.
There’s no other name like Jesus
When the heart with grief is sad,
There’s no other name like Jesus
When the heart is free and glad.
As I continued to sing through the hymn, all the overwhelming anxiety, sadness, and stress in my heart began to melt away like a cold pile of snow under the blazing summer sun.
It was at that moment I realized the power of praise.
Looking back on this experience in my life reminds me of what Paul wrote in Colossians:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
(Colossians 3:16)
There’s something about singing–whether outwardly or inwardly–that can turn our hearts from the pressures of this world below to the peace of God above.
In fact, check out what my favorite author, Ellen White, had to say on this topic. In this quotation, she is speaking of the Israelites of old on their journey to the promised land:
“The commandments as given from Sinai, with promises of God’s favor and records of His wonderful works for their deliverance, were by divine direction expressed in song, and were chanted to the sound of instrumental music, the people keeping step as their voices united in praise.
–{Education pg. 39
Thus their thoughts were uplifted from the trials and difficulties of the way, the restless, turbulent spirit was soothed and calmed, the principles of truth were implanted in the memory, and faith was strengthened.”
If songs of praise helped Israel on their journey to Canaan, how much more for us as spiritual Israel (Galatians 6:16) on our own journey to the Heavenly Canaan!
And that’s why I believe the words of Paul in Colossians 3:16 is so important!
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
(Colossians 3:16)
As we sing songs of grace and praise to God in our hearts, our own little journey of faith will feel less difficult!
Because when we sing–whether outwardly or inwardly–our hearts will be uplifted to remember that this journey on the narrow way is NOT something we’re walking alone. Rather, God is with us each step of the way; He is helping us, strengthening us, and encouraging us to keep moving forward in faith and trust in Him.
But maybe, dear reader, you have problems with singing praises to God right now. Perhaps you’re facing a dark trial or a bitter affliction in your life that’s hindering you from fully praising God with your whole heart. If so, I wanna appeal to you to pray the following prayer below:

I’d like to conclude this post with two things. The first thing is a verse that you may claim along with the above prayer:
Let my mouth be filled with Your praise
And with Your glory all the day. (Psalms 71:8)
The second thing is the lyrics of one of my favorite songs. I hope and pray that as you read these lyrics, you’ll be inspired to sing out praises to the Creator and King of music at every moment of your faith journey.
Their chains were fastened tight
Down at the jail that night
Still Paul and Silas would not be dismayed
They said, “It’s time to lift our voice,
Sing praises to the Lord
Let’s prove that we will trust Him, come what may.”
God wants to hear you sing
When the waves are crashing round you
When the fiery darts surround you
When despair is all you see
God wants to hear your voice
When the wisest man has spoken
And says your circumstance is as hopeless as can be
That’s when God wants to hear you sing
He loves to hear our praise
On our cheerful days
When the pleasant times out weigh the bad, by far
But when suffering comes along
And we still sing Him songs
That is when we bless the Father’s heart
God wants to hear you sing
When the waves are crashing round you
When the fiery darts surround you
When despair is all you see
God wants to hear your voice
When the wisest man has spoken
And says you circumstance is as hopeless as can be
That’s when God wants to hear you sing
God wants to hear you sing
When the waves are crashing round you
When the fiery darts surround you
When despair is all you see
God wants to hear your voice
When the wisest man has spoken
And says your circumstance is as hopeless as can be
That’s when God wants to hear you sing
God wants to hear you sing
God wants to hear you sing!
–[“God Wants To Hear You Sing” Lyrics © 2000 Rodney Griffin; Greater Vision
May God ever hear us sing to Him our praises in every circumstance we face! May He implant within you and me a purified heart filled with joy and love to keep on praising Him–no matter what!
Amen! Maranatha!
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