Today we’re gonna start a five-part devotional series on knowing God. In each part we’re gonna explore five aspects that, I believe, are essential to knowing God. In part 1 of this devotional series, we’re gonna delve into the WHO of knowing God.
To start off, we’re going to study an interesting verse in Song of Solomon 5:16–
His mouth is most sweet,
Yes, he is altogether lovely.
This is my beloved,
And this is my friend,
O daughters of Jerusalem!
Here’s a quick background sketch on what’s happening: This is the Shulamite woman–Solomon’s wife–apparently having a dream of losing her “beloved” (aka Solomon). She then asks “the daughters of Jerusalem” where her husband is, and they ask her WHO is her husband. The Shulamite then describes Solomon, and concludes her rather picturesque description of him by saying:
“This is my beloved,
And this is my friend,
O daughters of Jerusalem!”
If you were asked by either a non-Christian friend or relative who God is, would THAT be you personal description of Him? Would you truly say, “God is my beloved friend”? For the Shulamite, she knew who her husband was. What about us? I mean, God says that He is our Husband (Isaiah 54:5); the Shulamite KNEW her husband as her “beloved” and her “friend.” But what do you know God as? Do you know God as a beloved friend…or as a total stranger?
Interestingly, the original Hebrew root word for “friend” in Song of Solomon 5:16, is the Hebrew word ra`ah (רָעָה) which means “to be a special friend.” So, not only did the Shulamite consider Solomon her beloved friend, but her SPECIAL beloved friend.
In stark contrast, we read about Paul in Acts 17 addressing the Areopagus (the city council of Athens). In his address, Paul witnesses to the Athenian city council about “the unknown God”; the God that they “worship without knowing” (Acts 17:23). Is it possible for us, as Seventh-Day Adventist Christian teens, to be just like the Areopagus? To go to church one Sabbath after another, and sit down and worship a God Who is UNKNOWN to us?
Again, I wanna ask you, dear reader, WHO do you KNOW GOD AS? Do you know God as your Beloved Friend like the Shulamite? Or do you know God as an Unknown Being like the Areopagus?
Maybe you honestly know God like the Areopagus. You may go to church every week and worship God without knowing Him for yourself. If that’s you, then just pray:

For those who maybe able to identify more with the Shulamite, you have a much bigger responsibility. All around us–both inside & outside the church–are people who only know God like the Areopagus. I’d like to ask you Shulamite readers, will you stand as witnesses to those who identify themselves with the Areopagus? Will you arise to the duty of being a modern-day Paul and testify of your Beloved Friend to those who need to hear it? If that’s your desire, then just pray:

I’d like to conclude this post with one of my favorite songs. It is my hope and prayer that as you listen to this song, that your heart will be moved to know Him, and to let others know Him as well.
Stay tuned for part 2 of this devotional series, where we’ll explore the WHY of knowing God! [UPDATE: You can now view part 2 here]