Whether you know it or not, this March is National Nutrition Month!
So, here at Learning To Live, there’s gonna be content rolling out centered on–not physical nutrition, but rather–SPIRITUAL nutrition!
Let’s dive in!
To start off our little Spiritual Nutrition Emphasis series, I’d like to begin by sharing with you the top 3 YouTube channels that have brought spiritual nutrition and life-giving nourishment to my own Christian journey.
3. DappyTKeys Piano Worship

DappyTKeys Piano Worship is a Christian YouTube channel that consists of calm, spiritually-uplifting piano music beautifully played by the creator of the YouTube channel, Tim Oladeru.
Below is a sample of one of my favorite piano music videos by him:
I enjoy listening to his piano music songs as soft background music when I’m doing my devotions or writing in my prayer journal, mainly because it keeps my mind from being distracted by weird thoughts ?.
Click HERE to check out his YouTube channel.
2. School For Prophets

School For Prophets is a Christian YouTube channel created by Tila Kakarott.
This YouTube channel has brought a lot of spiritual nutrition to me personally through the deep Bible study videos that Tila creates and (sometimes) livestreams.
Below is my favorite Bible study video from his channel:
Click HERE to check out more of his YouTube channel.
1. Little Light Studios

Confession time.
I have been a HUGE fan of this ministry since the age of 9-10.
And by the time you’ll be reading this, I will be 23.
And throughout the past 13-14 years, Little Light Studios has brought SO MUCH spiritual nutrition to my growth and development as a Christian.
Below is one video that I have found very nourishing and nutritious to my own soul:
Click HERE to check out more videos from Little Light Studios.
Amen! Maranatha!