I don’t know about you, but I really enjoy listening to music…especially good Christian music that really uplifts my heart and directs my mind to Jesus.
And, just recently, I discovered an online radio called Abiding Radio, which plays sacred, reverent, peaceful Christian music 24/7.
And for today’s blog post, I’d like to share with you all my first impressions in listening to Abiding Radio!
What Is Abiding Radio?
According to their official website, Abiding Radio describes itself as “a unique Internet radio ministry which provides conservative sacred, vocal, and instrumental Christian music 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to listeners all over the world. Music is played without interruption or advertisement.”
Now, when I saw that they don’t play ANY ads or throw in any interrupting announcements or anything of that sort … .and ALL THEY PLAY is JUST the MUSIC, all I can say is that REALLY drew me in.
Because practically most–if not all–of the music apps that I listen to for Christian music have either advertisements or annoying human voices disrupting the flow between songs.
So, seeing that Abiding Radio totally throws all that out the window and ONLY keeps the music going, that is an A+++!
But Is Their Music Good?
Abiding Radio provides five separate listening streams you can listen to on both their website and app.
Those five listening streams are:
- Instrumental
- Sacred (plays sacred vocal Christian music)
- Bluegrass Hymns
- Kids
- Seasonal (plays either Christmas, Resurrection, or Patriotic music depending on the current season. At the time I’m writing this, it is the month of August and this stream is playing Patriotic music ?)
As I’ve been exploring Abiding Radio, I’ve been spending more time in the Instrumental and Sacred streams.
And as for the question on whether or not the music is good … .well, so far their music has been really beautiful, peaceful, and uplifting.
In fact, as I’m writing this sentence right now, I’m listening to the Instrumental stream, and Abiding Radio is playing a calming and beautiful piano rendition of My Faith Looks Up To Thee.
If you could only listen to it … .it is SO beautiful, and just the best thing to listen to especially if you’re reading your Bible!
Speaking of which, this is a good segue on how I’ve been enjoying using Abiding Radio.
How Abiding Radio Has Been A Blessing
One of the things I’ve been enjoying using Abiding Radio is by playing it as background music as I’m reading my Bible.
There’s just something about playing the sacred, reverent, and peaceful music on Abiding Radio as you’re reading the sacred Words of God from the Bible that just brings SO MUCH PEACE to your heart!
I mean, the other night when I was doing my evening devotions and listening to the hymn Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus on the Abiding Radio app, my heart was just softened by a sense of God’s peace.
It was so beautiful!
Is Everything Really Beautiful On Abiding Radio?
Like most digitally made things in life, there’s always a con here and there.
And, to be frank, the only small downside to Abiding Radio is the website version of their listening service.
It seems to be that when a song that’s playing on the web version of Abiding Radio finishes up and a new one starts to play, the main title display doesn’t change to that new song’s title, but continues to show the old one that had just ended.
Below is a screenshot of what I mean.

So, in order to actually see what’s playing, you have to click the “Recently Played” drop-down box to actually and accurately see what song has just started playing.
The app version of Abiding Radio, on the other hand, doesn’t have this issue and automatically updates itself to show the display title of whatever new song has just started playing.
My Final Thoughts on Abiding Radio
Despite that one minor glitch on the web version of Abiding Radio, I’ll straight up say that Abiding Radio is a MUST HAVE program to have on hand if you’re looking for some wholesome, peaceful, reverent, sacred Christian music to listen to with NO ads, announcements, interruptions, etc.
I have been LOVING and ENJOYING Abiding Radio in these past several days since discovering it, and I HIGHLY recommend anyone to check it out if you’d like to play some calm, Christ-centered, spiritually-edifying music to wind down in the evenings, to listen to during your devotional time with Jesus, or just about anytime you want heavenly melodies to sweetly flow through your earbuds!
Check out Abiding Radio HERE to start listening!
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
(Ephesians 5:19)
Amen! Maranatha!
I’d Love To Know…
- Have you heard of Abiding Radio? If yes, how did you hear about it?
- What’s your favorite sacred song and/or hymn to listen to?
- Do you like listening to music during your devotional time? Why or why not?
- Let’s chat about it together in the comments below! ?
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