Whether you know it or not, this March is National Nutrition Month!
So, here at Learning To Live, there’s gonna be content rolling out centered on–not physical nutrition, but rather–SPIRITUAL nutrition!
Let’s dive in!
To close off our five week series on spiritual nutrition, I’d like to share three Bible truths from the lips of Jesus Himself that are EXTRAORDINARILY nutritious!
Let’s dive in!
Bible Truth #1: Denying Self
In Matthew 16:24, Jesus said:
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself,
(Matthew 16:24A)
What does that mean?
And how does it bring spiritual nutrition to one’s soul?
An Illustration From My Life
I would like to answer those two above questions with something that happened to me recently.
So, in recent weeks, I have started learning how to drive.
There was just one problem though.
My old SELF–my flesh–didn’t have much of an interest in learning how to drive.
In fact, my old, fleshly self was RELUCTANT to take my driver’s education seriously.
So, I had a choice.
Would I succumb to what my old self wanted, and stay in the “comfort zone” of the back seat (literally and figuratively)?
Or, will I say yes to the blessing of stepping out into the driver’s seat and growing through the experience?
Facing those two decisions required saying yes or no to what Jesus first talked about in Matthew 16:24–
Will I deny my old self and start to seriously learn to drive? Or, will I choose to succumb to my old self’s desire to lax off in learning to drive?
Friend, it honestly wasn’t easy, but after much prayer and reading/meditating over the Scriptures, I was able to deny myself and seriously learn to drive.
After I made that self-denying decision and started putting it into practice, that nutritiously nourishing peace and joy of Christ flooded my heart.
Bible Truth #2: Taking Up The Cross
After Jesus mentions self-denial in Matthew 16:24, He moves onto the second spiritually nutritious Bible truth:
……..and take up his cross,
(Matthew 16:24B)
What does it mean to “take up” one’s “cross”?
And how does it connect with spiritual nutrition?
Another Illustration From My Life
I’d like to again answer those two above questions with another experience I had.
So, recently the Lord has made it clear to me that He wants me to make a mini exposé documentary video on the Giant 2021 statue.
The problem was, I found out that doing such a thing would require me to learn a video editing software that’s not easy.
And if there’s one thing my old self wants, is doing things the EASY way.
So, again, I had a choice.
Would I take up this cross God was calling me to bear, and–trusting that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13)–learn the not-so-easy video editing software program?
Or, will I succumb to my self’s desires and REFUSE to take up that cross?
Again, there was a struggle.
After much prayer, surrender, and meditating over Philippians 4:13 I was able to–by God’s grace–take up that cross and become joyfully willing to learn the software program!
The Lord then nourished my heart with a peaceful faith to trust Him to teach me “to profit” (Isaiah 47:17) in this new endeavor.
Bible Truth #3: Following Him
The third and final Bible truth from Matthew 16:24 is:
………..and follow me.
(Matthew 16:24C)
What does it mean to “follow” Jesus?
And how can following Jesus bring spiritual nutrition?
A Look Into The Word “Follow”
It’s surprising to note that the word “follow” in Matthew 16:24 literally means “to be in the same way with; walking the same road.”
So, how does this relate to spiritual nutrition?
In John 8:12, it says:
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
(John 8:12)
The word “followeth” in John 8:12 is the same exact word in Hebrew for Matthew 16:24!
So, walking in the same road and same way as Jesus walked results in having “the light of life.”
What’s that “light of life”?
Well, I love how clear the VOICE Bible puts it:
On another occasion, Jesus spoke to the crowds again. Jesus: I am the light that shines through the cosmos; if you walk with Me, you will thrive in the nourishing light that gives life and will not know darkness.
(John 8:12 VOICE, emphasis added)
And another word for “nourishing” is “nutritious”!
So, walking in the same path that Jesus has set for us will lead us to have His nourishing, nutritious light!
A Prayer
Dear reader, would you like to deny self, take up the cross God has for you, and follow in the same path as Jesus walked?
If so, then just pray:

I’d like to conclude this blog post with a Bible promise you may claim and meditate on along with the above prayer.
And that Bible promise is Galatians 2:20.
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
(Galatians 2:20)
Amen! Maranatha!
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