Do you know someone who is lost in sin?
Have you been praying for that person? How long have you been praying for them?
One year?
Two years?
Three years?
TEN years?
But here’s one question I REALLY want to ask you right now, dear reader.
Are you discouraged with how it’s apparently taking FOREVER for God to answer your intercessory prayers?
Do you feel TIRED and FRUSTRATED by how—no matter how long and hard you’ve prayed—things don’t seem to be working out?
Well, friend, the book I have to share with you today is for YOU!
From Party to Missionary
The book, I Will Save You To Make You A Blessing, is the testimony of Greg Budd. Greg Budd was a Christian missionary to the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua.
But WAY before he and his family answered the call to foreign mission work, Greg Budd was relentlessly involved in drugs, alcohol, and parties.
For more than a decade, Greg Budd spent his life “running from God.”
But in the midst of his sinful choices, Budd’s parents prayed long and hard for him.
Reflecting on his prodigal high school years, Budd writes:
“My parents knew how to pray earnestly and fervently with a faith that refused to let go in spite of how they felt or how hopeless the situation appeared. I never came home at night without either my mother or father waiting up for me in prayer and Bible study.”
[I will save you to make you a blessing pg. 18]
An Encouraging Blessing!
Throughout the book, Greg Budd talks a lot about how the power of intercessory prayer impacted his life—especially when he was still living in darkness.
Reflecting back on his drug and alcohol centered life before Christ, Greg Budd wrote a statement in his book that I hope you’ll find encouraging:
“I want to assure you that it matters not the degree of your unconsciousness or intoxication; when God speaks, you are at that moment very sober and attentive. I have experienced God’s voice penetrate the influence of various drugs and alcohol. He has never been intimidated or challenged in the least by these strongest weapons of the enemy of souls.”
[I Will Save You To Make You A BLESSING pg. 18]
On page 35 of his book, Greg Budd also gives another beautiful bit of encouragement:
“As we pray for God to send heavenly light to illuminate the darkened minds of our loved ones, He is well able to open their eyes to the reality of the pig pen as well. Let’s not ever forget that our God knows how to save to the uttermost! Continue to faithfully send your prayers heavenward. Someday you will actually see how much availing took place as a result of those prayers.”
[i will save you to make you a blessing pg. 35]

Greg Budd’s book, I Will Save You To Make You A Blessing, is honestly a short and sweet book that will bless you with encouragement to keep on praying for your loved ones who are lost in sin!
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with doubt over the effectiveness of their intercessory prayers.
Believe me, after you read Greg Budd’s story in I Will Save You To Make You A Blessing, your faith in the power of intercessory prayer will be revived and restored!