
Called To Truer Life [Knowing God Pt. 5]

Today we will now conclude our devotional series on knowing God. It is my hope and prayer that you've been blessed by this series, and that you've gained some information that has helped you abundantly in your walk with God. So, let's now delve into the final part of this devotional series--HOW to know God!… Continue reading Called To Truer Life [Knowing God Pt. 5]


Running on Divine Time [Knowing God Pt. 4]

We are almost done with our devotional series on knowing God! Wow! Can you believe that there's just one last part to cover and we're DONE?! It honestly felt like only yesterday we did part 1 of this series! Anyway, for part 4 of this devotional series, we're gonna look into WHEN we should know… Continue reading Running on Divine Time [Knowing God Pt. 4]


Heart Cries [Knowing God Pt. 3]

For part 3 of our devotional series on knowing God, we're gonna look into WHAT does it mean to know God. In previous posts, we've looked into two questions on knowing God: Who is God in your life? Why is knowing God important? So, without further ado, let's get into WHAT knowing God means for… Continue reading Heart Cries [Knowing God Pt. 3]


Listening To The Leader [Knowing God Pt. 2]

Continuing our devotional series on knowing God, today we're gonna look into WHY we should know God. As Seventh-Day Adventist young people, we hear a lot of our pastors, youth group leaders, parents, and all kinds of adults telling us to "get to know God" or that we "need to know God." But why? Why… Continue reading Listening To The Leader [Knowing God Pt. 2]


The Shulamite & The Areopagus [Knowing God Pt. 1]

Today we're gonna start a five-part devotional series on knowing God. In each part we're gonna explore five aspects that, I believe, are essential to knowing God. In part 1 of this devotional series, we're gonna delve into the WHO of knowing God. To start off, we're going to study an interesting verse in Song… Continue reading The Shulamite & The Areopagus [Knowing God Pt. 1]


Stop Trying!

Paul wrote a powerful statement in 1 Corinthians 2:5-- that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. What does this verse mean  for us as Seventh-Day Adventist  Christian teens? Well, I really like how "to-the-point" this modern translation puts it: For God intended that your faith… Continue reading Stop Trying!


Purified By Pain

Proverbs 20:30 contains a very interesting passage: Blows that hurt cleanse away evil, As do stripes the inner depths of the heart. As Seventh-Day Adventist Christian teens, what does this verse mean for us? How does this apply to our 21st century lives? Matthew Henry, a Nonconformist minister, had some up-front commentary on this verse:… Continue reading Purified By Pain