
Called To Truer Life [Knowing God Pt. 5]

Today we will now conclude our devotional series on knowing God. It is my hope and prayer that you’ve been blessed by this series, and that you’ve gained some information that has helped you abundantly in your walk with God. So, let’s now delve into the final part of this devotional series–HOW to know God!

We’re gonna start off with John 17:3–

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

What does this verse mean for us  Seventh-Day Adventist Christian teens, and how does it apply to knowing God on a PRACTICAL level?

Before I answer those two questions, let me connect what we’d just read in John 17:3 with 1 John 5:20–

And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

Do you guys see the connection? I basically boldfaced and colored it. If  you guys still don’g get it, let me just tell you. According to John 17:3, Jesus says that eternal life is centered on getting to know God personally; developing a relationship with Him. So, since Christ said that eternal life is all about knowing God and personally experiencing His love and goodness, HOW do we do that? HOW do we know God and personally experience Him for ourselves? 1 John 5:20 gives us the answer to those questions:


Not only has Christ GIVEN us an idea on what eternal life is truly all about, but also GIVES us UNDERSTANDING on HOW to ACHIEVE it!

Okay, so since Christ gives us an understanding of how to know Him, what is the VEHICLE He uses to give us this understanding? Yes, Christ gives it to us–but HOW? By the Holy Spirit. In John 16:3, Christ gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us into “all truth,” the Holy Spirit guides us into a pure understanding of God and His character. He, the Holy Spirit, is the One who carries this understanding to us so we can genuinely know God.

So, how does all this apply to us as Seventh-Day Adventist Christian teens and how to know God?

In order to truly know God; in order to have a close, genuine relationship with Him–we NEED the Holy Spirit to help us get to know God. What do I mean by that? I’ll give you guys a rather personal example.

During my early teen years, I honestly had a fairly consistent devotional life. I mean, I read my Bible every morning, I always did my Sabbath School lesson, etc. However, at that time in my life–despite consistently doing my morning devotions every day–I viewed God as a dictator-like being who wanted me to live a miserable life all alone in an isolated wilderness. My personal view of God before was very negative; I thought He didn’t love me because I didn’t do the “right” things. Even though I FAITHFULLY did my morning devotions, I seriously had this cynical idea of God in my mind. Even though I read my Bible every morning, I was dying inside. But now, my devotions is no longer just an empty habit, now it is something I ENJOY  doing!

So what–or Who rather–made the difference?

The Holy Spirit!

By simply allowing the Holy Spirit to guide me into truth and an understanding of it, my devotions went from being a boring burden to a beautiful blessing!

And maybe, dear reader, that’s what you struggle with. You maybe having issues with your devotional life. You’re seriously trying your best to get to know God every morning, but you can’t help but feel like everything is so dead–like, there’s no life in your devotions.

Friend, this is something I faced so many times in my own personal devotions before. But again, once I began to ask God to send the Holy Spirit to help me and give me understanding as I read my Bible, my devotions went from death to life. I encourage you to do the same, dear reader. You can pray something like this:


I’d like to conclude this post with two things. The first thing is a beautiful statement from Ellen White that she wrote in a letter in 1899 to a fellow named Phillip Wessels:

“If you seek the blessing of God every day, you will be blessed every day. The Lord gives the Holy Spirit, and supplies all providential opportunities and facilities.”

–{Letter 20, 1899 par. 22

The second thing I’d like to conclude this post with is a seminar series that has personally blessed me in vitalizing my devotional life. Below is the link where you can access them; and I hope and pray you’ll be blessed by these seminars just as much as they’ve blessed me:

Devotions For Decisions Seminar Link

May God continue to bless you, guide you, and keep you in a deeper and broader knowledge of Himself and His will! Amen! Maranatha!

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