“I can’t believe I’m subscribed to this podcast—and yet, I’ve NEVER taken the time to listen to it!” I grumbled to myself.
I mean, I subscribed to the podcast, Why They Did That, because I heard the podcast’s host, Dean Cullinane, preach on a live broadcast of a Christian youth conference called GYC, and thought it’d be cool to finally subscribe to a podcast for once.
I mean, podcasts seem to be a huge thing nowadays. Why not just hop on the bandwagon and follow some podcast?
And Dean Cullinane’s podcast, Why They Did That, looked promising to follow. So, I subscribed to it on Apple Podcasts.
But I never listened to a single episode.
Well, I just felt too busy with my blog to seriously take time and listen to Why They Did That.
But hey! At least I’m SUBSCRIBED to the podcast!
That’s all that matters, right?
How We See God

( Photo by Bud Helisson on Unsplash )
I’m happy to say that I’ve finally now began to listen to Why They Did That, and am now no longer just a SUBSCRIBER.
In fact, its now my most favorite podcast!
But, despite how pathetic I was in simply just subscribing to Why They Did That, but never listening to a single episode—many of us Christians do the same exact thing.
Maybe not with a podcast.
But rather, with God.
I mean, for some of us, we view God like a podcast.
We SUBSCRIBE to Him, but we NEVER LISTEN to Him!
It’s like we treat God as if He is some popular social media profile to follow because everyone else seems to be following Him. Yet, we honestly don’t KNOW God! Just like how we follow popular celebrities on social media platforms like Instagram but, in reality, we don’t KNOW those popular celebrities personally!
God doesn’t want shallow subscribers and followers. God wants people who listen to Him and know Him.
Who & Why

( Photo by Erin Profaci from Pexels )
Friend, who are you?
Are you just “subscribed” to God and His truth?
Are you just a follower?
Friend, why are you a Christian?
Is it just because everyone else is a Christian?
Is it just because it looks “cool” or “popular”?
Who are you?
Why are you a Christian?
A Prayer
Dear reader, God is more than just a podcast to subscribe to. God is more than just a social media profile to follow.
He is the Alpha and the Omega.
He is the Creator.
He is the King of kings.
He is the Lord of lords.
He is the Redeemer.
He is the Great I AM.
God is more than just a podcast to subscribe to.
God is more than just a social media profile to follow.
God is more than just a Person to vaguely worship once a week at church.
God is more than just a Being we praise whenever we feel like it.
God is more than just Someone we remember every once in a while.
Friend, is it your desire to make God more than a God you have a shallow belief in?
Do you desire to not just subscribe to God, to not just follow God, but to listen to Him, to know Him, and to truly love Him?
If that’s your desire today, dear reader, than just pray the following prayer below:

Amen! Maranatha!