Click HERE to read last week’s post to catch up if you haven’t read Part 1. Thank you!
At the end of the meeting, it was announced that we will now take our pre-packaged lunches that will be given at one of the tables in the back, and head off to one of the “rotating sessions.” One of the pastors on the platform said a prayer for the food and for the sessions, and everyone was then dismissed.
My family and I soon followed a crowd to a long white folding table piled boxes of the prepackaged meals for everyone participating in the health summit.
I picked up my (literal) lunch box and walked after the other people in front of me, heading off to the first break-out session: “Spiritual Health Matters.”
Lunch & Lessons
When I opened my lunch box, this is what I saw:

I first took out what I thought was a burrito wrapped inside the orangey-red and white checkered parchment wrap, only to find out it was a veggie wrap!

I took a bite and I thought it tasted wonderful!
But it tasted even BETTER with the hummus dip that came with it!
Wow! I thought. This is the BEST veggie wrap I’ve ever eaten!
As I–along with everyone else who was in the same break-out session with me–were feasting on our wonderful food, we listened to Pastor Greg King talk about the many Bible heroes and heroines who stood up against the “mandates” of their time out of their loving fear for the Lord.
One of them that stood out to me the most was the little-well-known story of Shiphrah and Puah.
This is what Exodus 1 said about them:
And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah:
And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.
(Exodus 1:15-17)
What amazed me was that these humble Hebrew midwives not only disobeyed Pharaoh’s command, but also their NAMES are known here in Scripture, but the arrogantly cruel Egyptian Pharaoh’s NAME is not known in Scripture.
This particular lesson reminds me of Proverbs 10:7, which says:
The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.
(Proverbs 10:7)
Eventually we moved onto our next break-out session “Mental Health Matters.”
It was in this break-out session I learned about the acronym CHOICE.
CHOICE stands for:
I thought that was powerful because it shows that we don’t have to live a life as Christians that’s controlled by our emotions.
I mean, it’s like how Paul put it in 1 Corinthians:
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
(1 Corinthians 9:27)
This doesn’t just apply to our physical bodies in the realm of things like appetite control, but also it also applies to our “emotional” bodies as well.
It reminds me of something else Paul wrote in the second letter to the Corinthian church:
(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)
(2 Corinthians 5:7
So, again, I thought this acronym CHOICE (Choosing Health Over Inner Corrupt Emotions) was a very powerful concept.
So, powerful, in fact, that I kinda took a more “faith-based” take on it.
Instead of CHOICE standing for “Choosing Health Over Inner Corrupt Emotions,” another way to see this acronym could be:
Choosing the truths of God’s
Holy Word
Over my own
We as Christians seriously do have a choice in believing the truths of Scripture instead of succumbing to our own feelings.
So, instead of believing the feeling that God has abandoned us, we can CHOOSE to cling to the Bible truth that says:
for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
(Hebrews 13:5)
Dinner Time!
After the breakout sessions were over, I remember going off to use the restroom and noticing that there were still several cardboard lunch meal boxes sitting on the white folding table, and a couple people were walking over to pick up a box for dinner.
I’ll let my parents know about it so I can get them some. I mentally noted in the notepad of my thoughts.
Eventually I sat down with my parents and told them about the leftover lunch boxes that were being passed out.
“Could I get you guys some?” I asked as Dr. Lela Lewis was on stage, introducing some local government officials to the audience.
“Just get two,” Mom said. “One for you and one for Dad.”
“What about you?”
“No, I don’t feel hungry right now.”
I got up to go get the food.
I approached the table where two tall women were talking.
The tallest of them apparently managing the table.
“Excuse me,” I said, trying to speak loudly over the thundering applause from the audience behind me. “Is it okay if I get two boxes?”
“Okay,” the extra-tall woman said with a grave frown. “But you better make sure don’t throw any of it all away.”
I smiled and gave her a little salute.
“No worries! I won’t!” I cheerfully chirped.
Her grave frown still remained engraved on her face, as if it was always permanently sculpted there.
I picked up the closest stack of two lunch boxes and marched off to find my parents.
Even though she kept frowning at me, I really appreciate her no-nonsense attitude. I mused.
Later on, after a simple meal prayer, I settled down with my food, delighted to see the wonderful veggie wrap again.
A lady sitting in front of me turned to notice the food on my lap and Dad’s.
“Are they already serving dinner?” She asked.
I nodded.
“Would you like me to get you one?” Mom asked.
“Oh no,” the lady said with a kind smile and got up. “I can it myself, thank you.”
The Third Meeting
Dr. Peter McCullough spoke again for the third meeting.
If you’d like to listen to that presentation, you can do so by clicking HERE.
Anyway, following Dr. McCullough’s presentation was a panel discussion done by several medical professionals and lawyers talking about various things like c0_vId, the pokes, and how the pandemic is rolling in regards to individual constitutional rights.
Out of that overall panel discussion that interested me the most (and I don’t know why it did) was one doctor’s analysis on the effects of the medical needle on the developing fetus.
The Final Song
Near the end of the whole meeting was the performance by Michael Harris.
He sang a genuinely beautiful rendition of God Bless America in that beautiful bass voice of his.
Below is a video I took on my mom’s phone of him singing it, along with a peek of the whole venue where the whole health summit took place.
Guys, to be honest, as I heard him singing that song I felt tears start to mist over my eyes.
I began to think about all the American history stuff I learned in school before.
The pilgrims, the Revolutionary War, the constitution being founded, &along with all the freedoms this country of America has blessed us with.
Overall, I had an awesome time at the Your Right To Optimal Health Now And For Eternity health summit.
I’d SERIOUSLY recommend this even to ANYONE who cares about freedom of conscience.
Because since Jesus fought for our freedom by dying on the cross, so we as Christians are called to “follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21), and fight for freedom by dying to self and self’s desires!
Amen! Maranatha!