Just a quick note about this new series. The addressees in the “letters” do exist in real life. However, their names have been changed for privacy reasons. Also, certain dynamics of the situations that I address in certain “letters” have also been changed to protect their identities and reputations.
It’s my hope and prayer that, as you read each “letter” in this 10 part series, you’ll gain some blessing and encouragement from each “letter”, and that the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart as you read. Thank you and God bless!
Dear Margo,
I’ve been observing you lately ever since you started attending Southway Middle School.
The pressure you placed on your parents to send you to Southway instead of your mom continuing to homeschool you has brought negative consequences upon your heart, soul, and mind.
Now, Margo, I understand how confused you may feel by my above statement.
Negative consequences? What is she talking about? I can only think of POSITIVE RESULTS from being a student at Southway!
But that is exactly what I mean.
Those “positive results” are really causing NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES to your spiritual life!
Here’s what I mean, Margo, on a clearer level.
The Consequence of Overachievement
Look, Margo. I’m happy to hear that, at Southway, you’re heavily involved in the several of the school’s leadership positions. I’m amazed, and I admire how–in just a short amount of time–you became:
- Vice President of ASB
- The Publicity Manager of Southway’s school newspaper, The Weekly Sting
- Captain of the Color Guard Team
- President of Drama Club
- Part of Advanced Orchestra
I’m also amazed at how well you juggle your school responsibilities along with your church responsibilities as:
- Song Leader for First Service
- Assistant Teacher for Primary Sabbath School
- Helping in the church kitchen after potluck every Sabbath
- Leading out in the Tween Girls Discipleship Group
- Secretary for the Adventurers Club at church
You really are an overachiever, Margo! ?
But at what cost?
Lately, Margo, I really noticed a striking change in you. You’re no longer the old Margo I remember several months ago.
Don’t you remember, Margo, how you used to hug people and sweetly welcome visitors at church?
Don’t you remember how you used to play with the younger children outside to keep them “busy” while their parents peacefully listened to the sermon?
Again, Margo, at what cost did you have to pay for all this overachievement?
Hitting The Root
Margo, I’m serious.
What happened to the sweet, loving girl who always went out of her way to help people feel welcome?
I think I know what happened.
It’s because you’ve allowed the weed of pride to slither out like deadly snake and choke out the sweet loving-kindness in you. The pride you have in what you’ve done at Southway and at church has ruined the pure inner beauty you once had.
It’s like a quote I came across not too long ago:
“Beauty without virtue is like a flower without fragrance.”
Woodrow Kroll
Because you’re cultivating yourself to be rooted in pride and your overachievement instead of God’s love and your relationship with Him, I’m afraid you’re just like that flower being described in Woodrow Kroll’s statement.
But it’s not too late to remove your roots, Margo!
Planted In Jesus
I’m writing this letter to you, Margo, because I care about you. I wish to warn you about how this pride in yourself and your achievements is SERIOUSLY leading you to negative consequences in your own life and the lives of others.
The problem isn’t necessarily Southway Middle School and your involvement over there.
The problem is WHERE you’re planting these things.
Instead of planting them in Jesus and giving Him the credit for all you’re doing–you’re instead planting them in yourself.
Do you get what I mean, Margo?
You see, these leadership roles aren’t things you GAINED. These leadership roles were GIVEN to you, by God, so you can be a blessing to those around you and to point others to Him.
It’s like God gave you those leadership roles so you, like Joseph and Daniel in the Bible, can be a witness for the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Leader of leaders!
But instead, you’re abusing your leadership roles to feed your pride.
You’re not planting them in Jesus, Margo. You’re planting your achievements in the wrong place.
Be Rooted In The Better Leader
Again, Margo, it’s not too late to switch your roots!
Right now, you can repent of your sin of pride and stealing the credit from God, and ask Him to root you in Him–Who is the Better Leader.
Will you choose to be planted and rooted in the One Who has given you the great responsibility to be a witness to those in ASB, in your Journalism class, in Color Guard, and in Advanced Orchestra?
Will you choose to follow the call Jesus is calling out to your heart right now?
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
(Matthew 11:28-29)
Will you learn from Him, Margo, and become “lowly in heart?” Jesus is the Best Leader, Margo! Will you take His hand and let Him lead you to become humble just like Him?
I’m sincerely praying you will!
Hugs & Prayers,
Aleah R.
Blogger & Digital Missionary