Welcome to The Hollywood Prayer Raid Challenge! Here on this page, you’ll be able to download the FREE Hollywood Prayer Raid Challenge Sheet to help you launch out your personal prayer crusade for the soul of your (or your group’s) celebrity prayer target!
If you just so happened to stumble across this page, Click HERE to for more details on what this is all about!
A Quick Walkthrough
I would like to give you a brief overview of the Hollywood Prayer Challenge Sheet. Below is a sample image of what it should look like after you print it out and complete it.

The first thing you’ll see on the Hollywood Prayer Raid Challenge Sheet after you print it out will be the following:
- “Who I’m Gonna Pray For:” — Here, as you can see in the above sample image, is where you’re going to write the name of your celebrity prayer target. You can list as many celebrity prayer targets as you like.
- “Glue/Tape Picture of Celebrity(s) You’ll Be Praying For HERE In This Box!” — This is where you’ll insert an image of your celebrity prayer target. For mine, I just printed out a picture of my celebrity prayer target from the internet and taped it within the black rectangle. But you can insert your celebrity’s photo however you want. The sole purpose of this section is to give you a visual reminder to pray for your celebrity prayer target.
- “Sample Prayer” — Beneath your celebrity’s picture is going to be a sample prayer you can use as a simple jumpstart for your (or your group’s) prayer session for your celebrity prayer target. It’s recommended that, as time goes by during this whole Prayer Raid Challenge, you begin to pray your own prayers.
Let The Prayer Raid Begin!!!
I just wanna praise and thank God for your willingness and courage to step out in faith and do this Hollywood Prayer Raid Challenge!
It’s obvious that the devil has a strong grip on these souls, but we know that our Lord Jesus is STRONGER than the enemy! Let’s stand and unite together to really intercede for the salvation of those who are seriously enslaved by the world and its lies! Let’s stand and unite together to invade one of satan’s darkest territories with our prayers! Let’s stand and unite together to TRULY ask God to move and convict the hearts of those who are at the most dire risk of losing their souls!
Let’s stand and unite together to beg God to raid the hearts and souls of celebrities everywhere with His peace, His love, His hope, and His Holy Spirit!