Based on the title of today’s blog post, yes it’s true.
My beloved cat, Blacko, passed away at 16 years of age (that’s 80 years old in cat years!).
While it’s true my family and I felt sad over Blacko passing away, I’d like to share a little testimony about my cat’s passing, and how it all relates to the Sabbath.

On Thursday, my cat was going downhill.
He was too weak to go anywhere, so he mostly rested in his bed (as you can see in the above photo).
As Mom and I were taking care of Blacko, my mom had a thought come to her mind.
What if Blacko were to die on Sabbath? What are we gonna do?
But Mom surrendered the thought to the Lord, and trusted that His will be done over the timing for Blacko to pass away.
The next day, Friday, rolled around.
That early Friday morning, around 3 AM, Mom checked on Blacko (his bed was moved from the living room to my room), and found that he already passed away.
The Sabbath
Remember when I first mentioned Mom’s wondering about Blacko passing away on Sabbath?
Well, in God’s perfect wisdom and timing, He allowed my cat to die BEFORE Sabbath, and that early Friday morning my family and I were able to bury Blacko and pay our last respects to him as a family.
So, because of all that, we were also able to enjoy the rest and beauty of the Sabbath the next day without feeling heavily bogged down with grief.
Yes, my family and I are sad to see Blacko go.
But we also rejoice in the hope of seeing him again when Jesus comes to “make all things new” (Revelation 21:5).
The Sabbath Still Stands

As I look back over this experience of God orchestrating my cat to die before Sabbath, I can’t help but see a faith-affirming lesson in all this.
The Bible clearly shows this truth in Genesis, after God created the world, and before there was any Jew (it doesn’t say anywhere in the Bible that Adam and Eve were Jewish):
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
(Genesis 2:2-3)
Friends, if the seventh-day Sabbath didn’t really matter anymore, then WHY would God allow my cat to pass away BEFORE Sabbath?
Some may try to label this whole testimony as a coincidence, but as Cindy Woodsmall puts it:
“There are no coincidences in God’s providence.”
~Cindy woodsmall~
I believe God’s providential timing for Blacko to pass away before Sabbath is a testament that the seventh-day Sabbath STILL STANDS!
Speaking of providence, dear reader, I most certainly believe that it’s within God’s providence for you to read this whole blog post!
If you have any questions on the Sabbath, I’d like to invite you to check out a cool online resource called Sabbath Truth, where you can learn all you want about the Sabbath! Check it out HERE!
Amen! Maranatha!
Dearest, please continue to keep the faith of Jesus and faith in Jesus ♡ We shall see Blacko again very soon.
Thank you for your inspirational and insightful blog. God bless you more ?
Thank you Aunty!