Have you ever heard of that Bible verse where Jesus said something like:
“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
(Matthew 22:14)
What does that mean?
And why are only “few” chosen?
Who are these “chosen few” exactly anyway?
A Hint From Pastor Doug

So, I recently finished reading (for the second or third time) the book At Jesus’ Feet by Christian pastor and author, Doug Batchelor.
On page 42 of the book, Pastor Doug wrote something that really struck me from his little narrative about Mary Magdalene:
Many people came to hear Jesus teach, but few invited Him into their home.
(–At Jesus’ Feet pg. 42)
What does that mean? And how does it apply to the verse we just read in Matthew?
Only Few Will Choose

Let’s take another look at Matthew 22:14–
“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
(Matthew 22:14)
In comparing the above Bible verse with the statement from Pastor Doug’s book, we can come to a little, simple conclusion over who the chosen few are.
In other words, they are the ones who truly take time to sit and eat with Jesus each day over the table of devotions.
They are the ones who have let Jesus come into their hearts and manage their issues and struggles instead of managing it all themselves.
They are the ones who have let Jesus in and fully surrendered every part of their lives to Him–plans, dreams, goals, EVERYTHING!

Basically, the “chosen few” have made the choice to let God be EVERYTHING in their lives.
Not just once a week–but EVERYDAY.
Are You Among The Few?

( Photo by Huy Chien Tran from Pexels )
Dear reader, are you part of the “chosen few” of Matthew 22:14?
Have you let Jesus come into your heart and taken control of your ENTIRE life?
Or, is there just a tiny part of your heart you haven’t allowed Him to have?
Maybe, it’s a sinful addiction? Or maybe a future plan or goal?
Dear reader, are you truly giving God your all?
Have you fully and totally yielded and surrendered EVERY ATOM of your WHOLE LIFE to His control?
Or, are you honestly, just faking your status as a Christian? Are you just “subscribed” to His truth or are you seriously listening to the guidance of His Holy Spirit?
Friend, are you among the few who’ve genuinely let Jesus come in and take control?
A Prayer
Friend, it’s not too late to join the few.
It’s not too late to radically surrender everything to God and let Him take full control of every part of your life!
Why not make that choice and choosen to let Him come in and take control of your heart and life right now? You can just pray something like:

I’d like to conclude this blog post with a quote and a song that I hope and pray will empower you to keep moving forward in your decision to truly become part of the few.
“The man with a cross no longer controls his destiny; he lost control when he picked up his cross.”
–A.W. Tozer–