As a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian blogger, I’m subscribed to a couple other Christian bloggers who give advice, counsel, blogging tips, and inspiring encouragement to other Christian bloggers.
One of those bloggers is my hero, Lauren Prezzano.
An Email

I’m part of Lauren Prezzano’s mailing list, and she recently sent an email that was very encouraging and–as I thought more about it–thought-provoking.
In her email, she wrote that about 90% of bloggers quit blogging within their first year.
Because blogging requires PERSISTENCE! It requires NOT giving up–even if you’re barely getting any page views, likes, or subscribers! Or even if people are barely showing appreciation for what you’re doing.
But how does all this apply to the rest of you who obviously don’t have a blog or even care to blog?
The Grounds For Your Rounds

One practical tip Lauren Prezzano shared in her email on how to stay persistent in blogging is what she calls remembering “your big why.”
What does that mean? Especially for us as Christians who don’t even blog!
Well, in the context of her email, it means stepping back and thinking WHY you’re a blogger.
And for us as Christians, we too should do the same thing! We too should step back and think of our own “big why” behind being a Christian!
What is motivating you and me to go to church, to read our Bibles, and to just live the Christian life?
Is it because we love Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice He paid for our salvation on Calvary?
Or is it something else?
Just For The Mansions???

As Lauren Prezzano put it in her email:
“Making money and gaining huge page views won’t keep you going when the going gets tough.”
–Lauren Prezzano–
The same thing, in a spiritual sense, applies to the Christian life.
If our only big why behind being a Christian is just for one of the following reasons:
- Getting into Heaven
- Looking good
- Getting more friends (since you’re going to church)
- Because you just grew up a Christian
- Everyone else is
Whatever the reason is, if it’s not out of sincere, personal, heartdeep love for God and what He had done to save you, that “big why” isn’t gonna help you when life gets stormy.
So, What’s Your Big Why?
Seriously, dear reader!
What’s your big why for being a Christian?
I wanna encourage you to be honest with God and yourself, and write down what’s TRULY pushing you to be a Christian. And if you see that the reason has nothing to do with love for God, but something else entirely, I wanna invite you to pray the following prayer below:

Amen! Maranatha!
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