Today, November 30, is “Giving Tuesday.”
And while the world may celebrate Giving Tuesday by simply donating money here and there to various organizations, I’d like to focus this blog post on how Christians can honor Christ on this Giving Tuesday.
What Is The Purpose of Giving Tuesday?
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Giving Tuesday, defines Giving Tuesday as “a day for people across the country to get together and give back to their communities.”
As nice as that sounds, how should we as Christians respond to Giving Tuesday in the context of our relationship with Christ?
Yes, it’s GOOD to give support to our communities, to humane organizations, and to those in need.
But what is JESUS calling us to give?
A Hint From Proverbs
I believe this Bible verse from Proverbs can help us better understand how we as Christians can honor God on this Giving Tuesday:
My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.
(Proverbs 23:26)
So, that’s it!
The BIGGEST way we can honor Jesus on this Giving Tuesday is by fully giving and surrendering our hearts to Him!

Need Help To Give & Surrender Your Heart To God?
Download this FREE printable containing 10 simple surrender prayer prompts to help you get started on fully and seriously giving your heart to Jesus today! Hit the blue button below to access the prayer prompts!
A Prayer & An Online Course
Dear reader, would you like to give your heart fully to Christ on this Giving Tuesday?
If so, then just pray:

I would like to conclude today’s blog post with a FREE online course that will teach you the what, why, and how of truly surrendering and giving your heart and life to Christ!
To sign up for this online course, just scroll down and hit the blue button below!
Amen! Maranatha!