Bees are probably one of the most misunderstood creatures in the animal kingdom. For some people, when they see a bee, they'd get into a mindless panic and start to run away or try to swat the poor bee. Other people would slowly--but very nervously--try to avoid the bee and keep themselves out of the… Continue reading Protein Supplement Religion
Tag: something better
Hunger Isn’t a Game
In Proverbs 15:14, we read something interesting: The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge,But the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness. What does this verse mean for us as Seventh-Day Adventist Christian teens, and how does it apply to our 21st century lives? Well, I really like how this modern translation puts it:… Continue reading Hunger Isn’t a Game
Until We’re Distressed
In Judges 11:7, we read something very interesting: So Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “Did you not hate me, and expel me from my father’s house? Why have you come to me now when you are in distress?” Before we get any deeper into this verse, I'd like to give just a quick… Continue reading Until We’re Distressed
Called To Truer Life [Knowing God Pt. 5]
Today we will now conclude our devotional series on knowing God. It is my hope and prayer that you've been blessed by this series, and that you've gained some information that has helped you abundantly in your walk with God. So, let's now delve into the final part of this devotional series--HOW to know God!… Continue reading Called To Truer Life [Knowing God Pt. 5]
Heart Cries [Knowing God Pt. 3]
For part 3 of our devotional series on knowing God, we're gonna look into WHAT does it mean to know God. In previous posts, we've looked into two questions on knowing God: Who is God in your life? Why is knowing God important? So, without further ado, let's get into WHAT knowing God means for… Continue reading Heart Cries [Knowing God Pt. 3]
60 Years Missing
Her name was Henrietta Geck Cruz Avila. At age 17 she dropped out of high school and began to work at a variety store. Around March or so of 1960, she met a 24 year old man by the name of Merle Avila, and they began to date. After only a month of dating each… Continue reading 60 Years Missing
Listening To The Leader [Knowing God Pt. 2]
Continuing our devotional series on knowing God, today we're gonna look into WHY we should know God. As Seventh-Day Adventist young people, we hear a lot of our pastors, youth group leaders, parents, and all kinds of adults telling us to "get to know God" or that we "need to know God." But why? Why… Continue reading Listening To The Leader [Knowing God Pt. 2]