Abundant Living Tips

3 Reasons Why Reading The Bible Is Important

In a devotional series I did several months ago, I wrote about why we should get to know God personally. But for today's blog post, I'm gonna list three reasons from the Bible on why it's essential to read God's Word personally. I mean, it's true that there's all kinds of theories and philosophies out… Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Reading The Bible Is Important

Object Lessons

Where’s Your Life Jacket?

It was a beautiful Saturday in July. Seven year old Roger Woodward and his older sister Deanne were riding on a motorboat on the waters of the Niagara River with their family friend Jim Honeycutt. Things were going nice and smoothly until an ugly sound pierced the calm summer air. PROCK! "Aw man!" Cried Jim.… Continue reading Where’s Your Life Jacket?

Poem Prayers

“Let Your Word” | A Poem Prayer

This poem prayer was inspired by a verse I read one time for my evening devotions. It's in Jeremiah 23:29-- “Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? --(Jeremiah 23:29) Wow! As I thought over that verse, I realized that God's Word is… Continue reading “Let Your Word” | A Poem Prayer


Too Broken To Blog | What I Did When Personal Tragedy Hindered My Personal Ministry

I still remember it. The shock, the worry, the anger, the tears. It was just too much for me. Thursday morning started out so wonderfully. My whole heart felt like it was on cloud 9,999. Last night, I was emailed by Felecia Datus, the Special Projects Manager for the Center for Online Evangelism, who was… Continue reading Too Broken To Blog | What I Did When Personal Tragedy Hindered My Personal Ministry

Object Lessons

Protein Supplement Religion

Bees are probably one of the most misunderstood creatures in the animal kingdom. For some people, when they see a bee, they'd get into a mindless panic and start to run away or try to swat the poor bee. Other people would slowly--but very nervously--try to avoid the bee and keep themselves out of the… Continue reading Protein Supplement Religion