How can surrender make life better for us as Christians? Find out in this blog post!
Tag: surrender
Who “The Few” Really Are
In Matthew 22:14, Jesus tells His disciples that only "few" are chosen. What does that mean? Find out in this blog post!
Learning To Lose | How Personal Sacrifice Launched My Personal Ministry
Read the untold story of how this blog ministry, Learning To Live, came to be.
“Let Your Word” | A Poem Prayer
This poem prayer was inspired by a verse I read one time for my evening devotions. It's in Jeremiah 23:29-- “Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? --(Jeremiah 23:29) Wow! As I thought over that verse, I realized that God's Word is… Continue reading “Let Your Word” | A Poem Prayer