God got me out of jury duty

Divine Duty

When I woke up that Monday morning, the thought struck me like lightening. Today is my first jury duty But despite the thought, I had a sense of peace in my heart when I remembered the verse in Exodus 14:14-- The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.(Exodus 14:14) I knew… Continue reading Divine Duty

Object Lessons

Two Lights

I'd like to start off this object lesson post with Philippians 2:15-- that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world Here Paul is writing to the Christian church in Phillipi about how they're… Continue reading Two Lights

Object Lessons

60 Years Missing

Her name was Henrietta Geck Cruz Avila. At age 17 she dropped out of  high school and began to work at a variety store.  Around March or so of 1960, she met a 24 year old man by the name of Merle Avila, and they began to date. After only a month of dating each… Continue reading 60 Years Missing

Object Lessons

Childlike Power

One Sabbath at church I was feeling really discouraged. I remember praying to God and asking Him to clean my heart from discouragement. I was just feeling so down.  I was in the restroom washing my hands, earnestly praying to God in my mind. Oh Father, I cried from the depths of my heart and… Continue reading Childlike Power


The Shulamite & The Areopagus [Knowing God Pt. 1]

Today we're gonna start a five-part devotional series on knowing God. In each part we're gonna explore five aspects that, I believe, are essential to knowing God. In part 1 of this devotional series, we're gonna delve into the WHO of knowing God. To start off, we're going to study an interesting verse in Song… Continue reading The Shulamite & The Areopagus [Knowing God Pt. 1]