I was first introduced to the concept of vision boards by a Christian YouTube Channel I was subscribed to.
The title of her video about vision boards was something along the lines of “How To Make A Christ-Centered Vision Board.”
I remember when I saw that video on my YouTube subscription feed, I was really fascinated by the idea of a “Christ-centered vision board.”
Because I’ve occasionally seen vision boards being posted up on Pinterest, but all of them were very SELF-centered. So, I didn’t think they had ANY place in Biblical, CHRIST-centered Christianity.
Until I saw this Christian YouTube Channel upload a video on making a “Christ-centered vision board.”
What Is A Vision Board?

Now, before I move on with my story, I’m sure some of you may be thinking:
Aleah, what in the world is a vision board?
Well, according to one dictionary definition, a vision board is:
“a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation“
Sounds harmless, right?
Well, later on, I would find out that wasn’t really the case.
But, for now, let’s get back to the story.
My Attempt At Making A Vision Board

After watching the Christian YouTuber’s video on how to make a “Christ-centered vision board,” I was EXCITED.
Wow! I thought. What a perfect way to help me stay motivated and inspired as a Christian blogger!
So, the following day, I made some time to begin putting together my own “Christ-centered vision board.”
One of the important “ingredients” that I learned from the video was that I needed magazines in order to find pictures to cut out that illustrated what the Christian YouTuber called a “focus word.” My focus word at the time I was doing this was the word “Give.”
So, I knew there were magazines lying around in the living room that I could use for my new vision board.
However, when I walked into the living room and looked around, I couldn’t find the magazines!
“Uh, Mom, where are the magazines?” I asked.
“The magazines? Oh, I think I threw them away in the trash.” Mom replied.
I felt a pretty disappointed by that.
Oh well, I thought. I guess I’ll have to work on my vision board another time.
The Truth Behind Vision Boards

Strangely, for some reason, I totally FORGOT about my vision board project and the whole idea of working on it again faded out of my mind.
But then recently, I watched a video from another Christian YouTube Channel called Little Light Studios.
As I was watching this video, I was surprised when, in their video, they briefly touched on the New Age connections with…….VISION BOARDS!
I was SHOCKED by how CLOSE I was to falling for this New Age deception of making my own vision board!
But, I thank God for His mercy in keeping me from getting into making my own vision board by allowing my mom to throw away the magazines that were in the living room!
And so with that, I’d like to close out this blog post by sharing with you the Little Light Studios video that God used to convict me of the subtle, New Age dangers behind vision boards:
Amen! Maranatha!