Just a quick note about this new series. The addressees in the “letters” do exist in real life. However, their names have been changed for privacy reasons. Also, certain dynamics of the situations that I address in certain “letters” have also been changed to protect their identities and reputations.
It’s my hope and prayer that, as you read each “letter” in this 10 part series, you’ll gain some blessing and encouragement from each “letter”, and that the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart as you read. Thank you and God bless!
Dear Evey,
Hello again! It’s been three months since I first wrote a letter to you. But lately I’ve been really thinking about you.
You see, as I was writing letters to various friends who were struggling with all kinds of spiritual issues, I couldn’t help but think about you in light of all these struggles my friends were in.
Evey, you’re still young, but I desire to forewarn you in this letter about all these spiritual issues that the devil may try to throw at you as you grow older. Issues like hopelessly struggling with a sinful addiction, spiritual apathy, and hypocrisy.
Unfortunately, Evey, I don’t have much space nor time to explain in full detail HOW to avoid tripping into all these issues.
However, I will emphasize one key essential that will surely keep you from falling into some of the worst spiritual issues like pride.
What is that key essential?
A personal relationship with God.
Evey, having a personal knowledge and personal experience with God will be the biggest stronghold in your life against the deadly bullets satan may try to shoot at you as you grow.
How do I have a personal relationship with God? you ask.
Well, Evey, the two basic components of having a relationship with God are:
- Bible Reading/Study
- Prayer
Because you’re still too young, Evey, to really read the Bible and pray on your own, here’s what I recommend.
Instead of reading the Bible, you can begin reading Bible storybooks. I know God will truly speak to you through these stories. If you don’t know which Bible storybook to read, I personally recommend The Bible Story by Arthur S. Maxwell.
As you grow older, Evey, and you desire to go deeper into your relationship with God, I recommend you start reading a devotional like Sons and Daughters of God or To Be Like Jesus.
Now, as I mentioned before, the second component of having a relationship with God is prayer.
Evey, when I say “prayer,” I don’t mean those fancy prayers they say at church.
What I mean by prayer is just talking to God. Just talk to Him about what you did today, what your favorite food is, you can even talk to God about how hurt you feel.
The Bible tells us that God WANTS us to talk to Him about everything–including our problems and our pain!
People, trust God all the time.
Tell him all your problems.
God is our protection.
(Psalm 62:8 ICB)
I’m claiming this verse on your behalf, Evey. May God richly bless you, guide you, and mold you to become more of the person He wants you to be!
Big Hugs,
Aleah R.
Blogger & Digital Missionary