Hi, everyone!
I understand if it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything lately.
It’s just that God has led me to take an unexpected hiatus for awhile.
But today, I’m excited to share something that God did for me recently!
A Prayer
As I mentioned in a previous blog post, God laid a burden on my heart to create a little documentary video project that further exposes the 2021 Giant Statue.
As I also mentioned in that blog post, I honestly figured doing such a thing would likely require learning new and not-so-simple video editing software.
Plus, as I looked further into what this documentary project would require of me, I discovered it also pulled up other crazy hassles like complex updates and even probably getting an adapter.
When I found out about these hassles, the only thing I could do was take them all to God in prayer.
I prayed:
Lord, even though a part of me feels excited to do this documentary video, I also feel another part of me is perplexed over HOW this will work because there’s so much that I need to do. Nonetheless, I claim Your promise in Philippians 4:13, and I trust You’ll strengthen me with energy and wisdom to do it all. For now, Lord, I fully surrender this Giant 2021 Statue documentary to You and its entire production process. I choose to wait on You to lead me to the next step in Your own time and way on how to go about this project.
In Jesus’ Name,
A Package
One day, my parents arrived home from Costco with a package.
Inside the package was a Samsung Chromebook for my mom to use for her blog.
At first, I didn’t think much of it.
A Plain Path
A couple months had passed since then when I first prayed and surrendered to the Lord concerning the “HOW” behind putting together the Giant 2021 documentary video.
I was just at a place of simply waiting for Him to make everything clear to me; whether I should go through those previously mentioned hassles and trust Him to strengthen me to navigate through them, OR take a different route entirely.
It was like I was experiencing the words of my favorite author, Ellen White:
Our heavenly Father has a thousand ways to provide for us, of which we know nothing. Those who accept the one principle of making the service and honor of God supreme will find perplexities vanish, and a plain path before their feet.
(The Desire of Age pg. 330)
The thing was, up until that time, I had no idea what that “plain path” was for me in the particular case for the documentary video project.
Until recently.
I just so happened to notice that Mom’s Chromebook had the Google Play Store app on it.
I began to wonder over the possibility if the 3D animation app that I wanted to use for the documentary was compatible to download & use on Mom’s Chromebook.
So, I prayed:
“Lord, it’s been two months since I finished the script for the Giant documentary. Up until now I’ve only been waiting to see where You’ll lead me as the next step. So, Father, I pray if You seriously want me to do this video exposé, I pray that the 3D animation app is compatible to be used on Mom’s Chromebook.”
And, guys, guess what.
When I checked to see if that particular app was usable on Mom’s Chromebook, it turned out that it was!
Not only that, but the video editing app that I was comfortable using (and really wanted to use for the documentary) was ALSO compatible and usable on Mom’s Chromebook!
It was like God used Mom’s Chromebook to be the “plain path” that I needed the most for making the Giant documentary exposé project possible!
A Lesson
As I ponder over this story, I can’t help but marvel at how much of a HUGE blessing I would’ve missed had I NOT waited on the Lord and simply rushed forward to do things based on what I believed was best!
It reminds me of what Lamentations 3:26-27 says:
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
(Lamenatations 3:26-27)
Friend, do you desire God to give you the patience you need to wait on Him to give you the “plain path” He wants to give you in the midst of your perplexities?
If so, then I wanna encourage you to just pray:

I wanna close out this blog post with a FREE resource below to help you learn to better cultivate more Bible-based patience in your life!

Amen! Maranatha!